• Abstract submission deadline extended to 1 June 2014
  • 30 November 2013 - First Call for Papers
  • 28 February 2014 - Second Call for Papers
  • 01 June 2014 - Deadline for Abstract Submission
  • 01 July 2014 - Notification of Acceptance
  • 30 August 2014 - Deadline for Early Bird Registration and Payment
  • 30 September 2014 - Deadline for Regular Registration and Payment
  • 30 October 2014 - Publication of the Online Program
  • 24 November 2014 - Expert Seminar (By Invitation)
  • 01 November 2014 - Deadline for Full Paper Submission
  • 25-27 November 2014 - WALS Conference
  • 28 November 2014 - School Visit


WALS International Conference 2014
c/o Pusat Inovasi Pendidikan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 229, Bandung 40154
Tel No: (62) 22 - 2013163
Email: wals2014@upi.edu

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