Submission Guidelines





A proposer should provide an abstract of 100 – 300 words for the proposed paper, case sharing, symposium or poster.
Proposals should include the names, affiliated organizations, positions and email addresses of ALL the authors / presenters.
A symposium proposer should provide the title of the symposium, the title of each individual paper with the name, affiliated organization, email address of the presenter. Unless stated otherwise, we will assume the proposer will chair the proposed symposium. He/she will also supply the names of any appointed discussants (maximum 2).
A case sharing proposer should provide the title of the session, the name of the chairperson and the name, affiliated email address of each presenter.
Contributions in English or Chinese are welcome. However, oral presentations and written papers must be made in the same language. In the case of Chinese, please also specify whether Cantonese or Putonghua will be used.
All submissions must be made online using the forms provided. To do so, please click here.
      Deadline: 21 July 2008 (Second Call for Papers)
      All proposals will go through a strict review process. Proposers will be informed by 31 July 2008 (Second Call for papers).
      The deadline for the submission of full papers or extended summaries must be made on or before 24 October 2008. Please read the following section regarding paper submission.
    All papers submitted will be uploaded onto the WALS 08 website at the conclusion of the Conference. Submissions of any papers, including those for symposium and case sharing, should use this attached template.
      Successful proposers will submit either a full paper (maximum 6000 words), or an extended summary (between 600 and 1000 words). Each paper (or extended summary) must bear the names, affiliated organizations, positions, and email addresses of ALL the authors involved.
      Successful proposers will submit an extended summary (between 600 and 1000 words). It should also bear the names, affiliated organizations, positions, and email addresses of ALL the authors involved.
      Successful proposers will submit an extended summary (between 600 and 1000 words) of each of the papers to be presented. It should also bear the names, affiliated organizations, positions, and email addresses of ALL the authors involved.
      Successful proposers will provide poster outputs in image files. They should bring their posters and set up their displays one hour prior to the start of the "Poster Session".
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