Format of Presentations





Paper presentations, case sharing and symposia will be held in parallel sessions while posters will be exhibited at the conference venue during the Conference period.

      Each session will consist of presentations of three papers, with each being allocated 20 minutes.
      At the end of each session, there will also be a 20-minute Q&A session.
      Presenters may distribute notes / handouts / papers during their sessions.
      There will be 80 minutes, with each focused on a single case study.
      These are especially suitable for presenting lesson studies and experiments in classroom practices by the teachers / researchers involved.
      Presenters may distribute notes / handouts / papers during their presentations.
      Each symposium will be given 80 minutes.
      We invite symposium proposers, who will organize presentations on a special theme. A symposium should consist of 2 to 4 short papers, each by a separate presenter.
      Presenters may distribute notes / handouts / papers during their sessions.
      These will be posters on case studies or research findings. They will be displayed during the Conference period.
      Each presentation can use up to 6 panels. Each panel has the following inside dimensions:
68 cm (width) x 98 cm (height)
  For paper presentations, case sharing and symposia, the following audio-visual equipment will be provided:
PC with Windows XP Professional, equipped with Microsoft Office 2003
Internet (however wireless internet access network will NOT be provided)
USB connection
CD-ROM driver
LCD projector
Overhead projector
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