General Programme

Date Description
23 September 2024 PhD and Early Career Researchers’ Session
WALS Council Meeting
24 September 2024 WALS 2024 Astana Conference Day 1
25 September 2024 WALS 2024 Astana Conference Day 2
26 September 2024 WALS 2024 Astana Conference Day 3
27 September 2024 School Visits & Culture Trips

More programme details will be provided at a later time.

Within the conference, visit other types of events additional to traditional sessions

Join us at the Mentor's Hour
An invaluable opportunity for educators, students, and enthusiasts alike to learn from seasoned mentors and experts in the field of Lesson Study.
Join us at the Creativity Lab
Where imagination knows no bounds and innovation thrives!
Join Us for the Autograph Session!
Get ready for an exciting opportunity to meet and greet some of the most distinguished authors in the field of Lesson Study.
Join us for the Interactive Q&A Panel Game!
Get ready for an engaging and interactive Q&A panel session featuring esteemed experts in Lesson and Learning Studies.
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1. Join us at the Mentor’s Hour,
an invaluable opportunity for educators, students, and enthusiasts alike to learn from seasoned mentors and experts in the field of Lesson Study. Our esteemed mentors include experts from Japan, USA, UK and Hong Kong. Whether you’re a novice teacher, a student, or simply passionate about enhancing teaching and learning practices, this session is tailored to meet your needs.

2. Join us at the Creativity Lab,
where imagination knows no bounds and innovation thrives! We’re excited to announce two exceptional speakers who will inspire and ignite your creative spark in Lesson Study and make the research of your lesson as creative as possible

Darius Radkevicius (Lithuania): a distinguished psychiatrist and author renowned for his insightful work on emotional intelligence in children and more.

Oistein Kristiansen (Norway): An internationally acclaimed drawing guru, cartoonist, painter, and TV personality who will share his expertise and passion for the arts. 

Through engaging Arts and Crafts activities, participants will explore: 

  • Techniques for fostering collaboration among teachers;
  • Strategies to make learning spaces dynamic and engaging;
  • Practical insights on cultivating creativity in educational environments.

3. Join Us for the Autograph Session!
Get ready for an exciting opportunity to meet and greet some of the most distinguished authors in the field of Lesson Study. During the Autograph Session, you’ll have the chance to meet the esteemed authors in person and have your books signed. It’s a brief but special opportunity for you to connect with the minds behind some of the most influential works in Lesson Study.

4. Join us for the Interactive Q&A Panel Game!
Get ready for an engaging and interactive Q&A panel session featuring esteemed experts in Lesson and Learning Studies. You will have an excellent opportunity to hear their answers to the questions, gathered during the three days of the event.

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