
Regular Membership

$490.00 USD (Early Bird)

Early Bird ends September 15

$600.00 USD (Normal Fees)

– 3 Day Conference (27th – 29th November 2023)

– 1 year WALS Regular membership (27 Nov 2023 to 26 Nov 2024)

Optional (Additional charges may apply)
Conference Dinner
Phd and ECR Day (26th Nov 2023) [FREE]
School Visits
Local Activities 

Student Membership

$300.00 USD

– 3 Day Conference (27th – 29th November 2023)

– 1 year WALS Regular membership (27 Nov 2023 to 26 Nov 2024)

Optional (Additional charges may apply)
Conference Dinner
Phd and ECR Day (26th Nov 2023) [FREE]
School Visits
Local Activites

Group Registration

For Group Registration, you may download and complete the form here. Email the completed form to and we will assist you with payment.


  1. As we are in the midst of finalising the program, presenters who registered after September 15 will not be eligible to present. However, they can still join as participants.
  2. All presenters must attend the conference in person. Neither online nor pre-recorded presentations will be allowed. However, for those who are unable to attend the conference in person, the keynote presentations will be made available for all WALS members.