WALS 2016, 3-6 Sep 2016 @ EXETER, UK. Conference Programme Available NOW. 

Keynote Speakers

ks andy

Prof. Andy Hargreaves, Boston College

Professional Capital and its Enemies: the implications for professional learning communities.

Download abstract here   |   Watch video here

Saturday 10:30 – 12:00PM              

ks catherine

Prof. Catherine Lewis, Mills College, USA

How Does Lesson Study Transform Teaching and Teacher Learning? 

Download abstract here   |   Watch video here

Sunday 8:30 - 10:00AM     

ks kiyomi

Prof. Kiyomi Akita, Tokyo University

Characteristics of Innovative Professional Leaning Communities: Inquiries for Deep Learning

Download presentation slides here   |   Watch video here

Saturday   4:30 – 6:00PM                   

ks pete

Dr Pete Dudley, London

Optimising Impact of Lesson Study Learning Communities at Classroom, School and System Levels

Watch video here

Sunday   4:30 – 6:00PM   

Programme and Abstracts

The WALS 2016 conference programme is downloadable here.  Use ctrl+F to locate your presentation.

Please note that this programme is subject to change by the organisers any changes will be displayed on a board next to the information desk.

We are not be able to accommodate change requests unless there are exceptional circumstances.



Abstracts downloadable below:

Poster Abstracts

Session One Abstracts: Sat 3rd Sept 1300-1430

Session Two Abstracts: Sat 3rd Sept 1430-1600

Session Three Abstracts: Sun 4th Sept 1030-1200

Session Four Abstracts: Sun 4th Sept 1300-1430

Session Five Abstracts: Sun 4th Sept 1430-1600

Session Six Abstracts: Mon 5th Sept 0900-1030

Session Seven Abstracts: Mon 5th Sept 1400-1530


WALS 2016 Programme

  Saturday 3 Sept 8.30-10.00 Registration  Forum Street
10.00-10.30 Welcome  Great Hall
10.30-12.00 Keynote: Andy Hargreaves  Great Hall
12.00-13.00 LUNCH  Forum Street
Posters  Forum Street

Concurrent sessions 1

(Including Colloquium)

14.30-16.00 Concurrent sessions 2
16.00-16.30 TEA/COFFEE  Forum Street

Keynote: Kiyomi Akita

 Alumni Auditorium

18.00- 19.30

WALS Council meeting  Council Chamber


Conference dinner  Great Hall
Sunday 4 Sept 8.30-10.00 Keynote: Catherine Lewis  Great Hall
10.00-10.30 COFFEE  Forum Street
10.30-12.00 Concurrent sessions 3
12.00-13.00 LUNCH  Forum Street
Posters  Forum Street
13.00-14.30 Concurrent sessions 4
14.30-16.00 Concurrent sessions 5
16.00-16.30 TEA/COFFEE  Forum Street
16.30-18.00 Keynote: Pete Dudley   Alumni Auditorium


International Journal for Learning and Lesson Studies  Alumni Auditorium


Social event: Ceilidh  Great Hall
Monday 5 Sept 9.00-10.30 Concurrent sessions 6
10.30-11.00 COFFEE  Forum Street
11.00-12.30 WALS AGM - All Welcome
Alumni Auditorium
12.30-14.00 LUNCH
Posters  Forum Street
14.00-15.30 Concurrent sessions 7
15.30-16.00 Closing ceremony  Great Hall





Conference Registration Fees

WALS REGISTRATION FEE (includes WALS subscriptions + refreshments /lunch)
Whole conference £
Regular 330
Student regular 220
One day  
Regular 180
Student regular 120
Social event/meal 40
School visit (limited availability)

Notes about fees:

1. WALS membership fee (commencing 1st January 2017) is included in the fees for whole conference and day registrations.
2. Those with memberships expiring before 31 December 2016 need to pay the full conference fee (above).
3. Those with WALS membership expiring beyond 31 Dec 2016 can pay their registration fee minus the WALS subscription – (reduce above fees by £20 for student registrants and £32 for others). Those wishing to pay reduced registration fee on these grounds need to send screenshot of their membership status or a receipt.
4. Student registrants need to also provide proof of their status by uploading their student cards