Keynote Speakers

We are proud to have five keynote speakers who will present their insights and research results on the role of talk in learning, especially within the context of Lesson Study. The confirmed keynote speakers are as follows:

Neil Mercer

Neil Mercer

University of Cambridge

Cambridge, UK

Sui Lin Goei

Sui Lin Goei

Windesheim University/VU Amsterdam

Zwolle/Amsterdam, Netherlands

Claudia Mewald

Claudia Mewald

Pädagogische Hochschule Niederösterreich

Baden, Austria

Maria Vrikki

Maria Vrikki

University of Nicosia

Nicosia, Cyprus

Jongsung Kim

Jongsung Kim

Hiroshima University

Hiroshima, Japan

WALS 2023 Conference Theme

LessonStudyNL is excited to welcome you back to the Netherlands. The 2023 international conference will be held  in Zwolle, a beautiful medieval city with a modern art scene. Zwolle is the home base of Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, one of the partners of LessonStudyNL. We are thrilled to have you back. Let’s talk.

  Talk is at the core of Lesson Study. Teachers talk to each other when preparing research lessons and discussing student learning. Students’ talk makes their learning visible. In addition, Lesson Study facilitators and knowledgeable others talk in supporting Lesson Study processes to stimulate teachers’ learning. 

  We all stimulate, support and streamline talk to enhance learning. This year’s WALS conference will allow us to focus in depth on talk as an important resource in Lesson Study–what is it, how does it support learning, and what complementary data sources are needed?

  On three days we will invite presentations about student talk, teacher talk and facilitator talk. On each day, keynote speakers will introduce the main topic and dedicated sessions will zoom into the details of Lesson Study work going on around the world. We are excited to talk to you!


Main Organiser


Our Sponsors

Call for Proposals is closed now!

Submit your abstract before June 12